Category Archives: James Bell

Uncut Poets, 30th July 2015, 19.00 – Devon and Exeter Institute – Cathedral Green, Exeter – with James Bell


The last Uncut before our August break, and the last for the time being in our Babylonish Captivity while the Phoenix undergoes untold renovations, takes place in the Devon and Exeter Institute on Cathedral Close. Our guest is none other than James Bell, who was for some years co-presenter of Uncut before migrating to Brittany. Published by tall_lighthouse, James has recently been amassing new collections and will be treating us to some pre-publication highlights from these.

The evening (commencing at the EARLIER time of 7pm) will again be presented by Alasdair Paterson and Liz Adams, and will feature 10 open mic spots of 5 minutes each. Anyone interested in these should contact Alasdair here or at, or on the mobile number 07783 734523. Wine and even soft drinks will be available at incredibly reasonable prices. Admission £5 (£3 open mics and concessions).